About Us

So what’s the fuss all about?

A creative marketing consultancy that has great service and who you’ll have fun working with …that’s what. With the support of a range of creative but cost effective agencies to bring the strategy to life.

Tony Firman is the General Manager of Batten Place Marketing. With more than 25 years experience and having worked for major Australian and International brands such as ANZ, Telstra, The Age, Shell and most recently Australia Post, Tony’s broad experience has given him the unique ability to help almost any business with their marketing and sales. With access to a significant network of marketing, advertising and online professionals, including access to some great creative agencies, Tony is well prepared to assist your small to medium sized business. Together with the right attitude to help make a difference, this network makes Batten Place Marketing.

Let’s face it, life is too short, so we should enjoy working and the people we work with. We have a passion for what we do and it comes through in the way we deal with our clients, the process we go through and the work we produce …so check us out by reading a bit more, viewing our latest work or go straight to ‘contact us’ and let’s get to it.